Friday, 26 July 2013

Juv wagtail at Llwyn-onn

I checked out the mud at Llwyn-onn yesterday at 1600 hours; common sandpiper[4], black-headed gull[juv] and goosander[fam 4] were probably the best. Also a large party of pied wagtail[juv 10] distant, flighty and utilising most of the north end mud. One bird constantly stood out with brown mantle and looks possible for juv yellow wagtail, what do you reckon. Bird was still present today but even more distant, north-east bank, south of bird hide feeding amongst canada geese. Tim Griffiths, the Gwent Ranger, had a single Greenshank on the mud the other week, I missed it! Not much on Rhaslas; occasional curlew, lapwing and common sandpiper the last couple of days. Sorry about pic, distant, heavily cropped and intense light, honest.


  1. Mmm, interesting. The supercillium extending round the back of the ear coverts + the bols white edging to the tertials suggest possible Citrine spp. The dark upper edging to the supercillium before the eye, however suggests poss Yellow spp. The lack of yellow on the underside tends to rule out Yellow (except of the "Eastern" group - but timings would appear to rule that possibility out, as it would with Citrine) but is supportive of Citrine.
    Checking Nils, he warns that some 1st winter White Wags can closely resemble similar aged Citrine as they can show a white surround to the ear coverts.
    without sight of the bird - I'll look early tomorrow am - I tend towards 1st winter/Juv White.

  2. Wagtail still there this am (Sun). It certainly stands out, but it's just a Pied - a good view let me see the black upper tail coverts extending well up the rump onto the lower back.
    Also 6 Common Sand and 5 Goosanders (both family parties?)

  3. I didn't get on site until just after 0800 hrs and although I had c8 very confiding pied wagtail, immediately east of river at north end, the 'brown' job was no where to be seen. Also just a single common sandpiper present, but with anglers continuing to arrive everything was disappearing, including me. I called in at Rhaslas at 0615; only waders present was a redshank at north-east bank, common sandpiper moving around in front of me and a single lapwing otherwise very quiet.
