Sunday, 8 December 2013

From Russia with Love

After a year of spectacular dips, the recent successful twitches (Western Orphean and Two-barred) a long distance twitch was on the cards for the Baikal Teal found just north of Southport. The lucky quartet were Rob and Mark Dutfield with Phil and myself sharing the early morning drive. Arriving just after 8:20 the next three hours were spent trying desperately trying to materialise the duck amongst a group of teal. Skiens of Pink-footed Geese and squadrons on Lapwings and Golden Plover kept us entertained and one of the two Great White Egret that are wintering in the area were picked up by Mark. 
Then word spread, the Baikal had been relocated, probably less than half a mile away (as the teal flies), but a good 2+ml walk for us mere humans.
On joining the growing throng, the bird was quickly located, head down, trying to keep a low profile amongst a group of Wigeon.

Spot the Baikal

During the 50 minute watch, it raised it's head a couple of times - once to chase off a drake Wigeon it took exception to! but it preferred to sleep, rather than show off for the massed ranks. That said, it was a top bird, and certainly most (all?) of those making the trip from across the UK are happy that it's the real deal as opposed to a wire jumper.


  1. Great day, also a first for me the two passengers in the back ( Rob and Mark ) snoring in harmony.

  2. Totally cream crackered but a top day out with good company and cracking birds, big thanks to the two chauffeurs although i must add i provided most of the in house catering!

  3. How come you took so much food home?

  4. Correction - Debbie provided most of the catering - and the reason why it was the most was it was the first to be dished out and left no room for the rest of ours offerings (Tunnock's excepted - which I knew you'd never turn down).
