Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Back Home

I got back from Peru on Sunday evening. I haven't been feeling very well since with a bad dose of flu and the trots. So I will just give a quick run down of the trip and post some more details with some photos later.

The trip involved 7 flights, long bus journeys, 3 hour boat rides, too much food ( I even refused some ), lots of sun, lots of rain in parts and more importantly plenty of birds.

I was also ill for a few days missing one day completely, one really nice man called Mike from Middlesex had to fly home before a week was out because of illness.

Birds seen by the party totalled around 582 which around 277 were lifers for me. I missed my most wanted bird the Long-Whiskered Owlet but that is one bird that is certainly not guaranteed. A few others high on my wanted list were also missed but of course others were seen which were surprises.

My favourite bird seen was my last tick of the trip Inca Tern in fact there were dozens ( And they were not in a zoo Mr Gaze ). Maranon Crescentchest, Lulu's Tody-Tyrant, Black Necked Woodpecker, White Tailed Jay, Marvellous Spatuletail, Kopecke's Screech Owl, Many Coloured Rush Tyrant, Pearl Kite, Black Collared Hawk, Black Faced Ibis were some of the other favourites.

Also some jinx birds finally fell, including two Potoo's Common and Great, Pacific Honero and for Mr Bell and Mr Hogan Doner Kebab's, to everyone else Black Capped Donacobius.

My camera also packed up after just about a week of the trip so not so many photos this time.

But I was given the photo posted below by Alejandro our guide from Mike and myself's trip to Manuas earlier in the year. Followers of this blog might notice a recurring theme here.


  1. Great too know you are back and had a good time .

  2. Welcome back Phil sounds like you had a brilliant trip,those terns really are a tart tick tho!

  3. Nice to see you back Phill. I think the shot shows me on the back of a tin canoe in the backwaters just west of the Rio Negro/Amazon confluence. I'd like to state that my 'pee in rivers list' is now the envy of the valleys. See you.

  4. Thank god, I thought you were going to kill me again.
