Sunday, 26 June 2016

Flying Visit to Kenfig pool

After spending most of Saturday in the house with the rain stopping me from working I was glad to get a phone call off Phil. He said did I fancy a trip to Kenfig for the Fen Orchids, it was one I always wanted to see and it was great to escape for a couple of hours. We got there fairly quickly and Phil had Directions from Martin. I thought a piece of cake, boy was I wrong. We found what we thought was the right area and started the search and as I was the only who had my wellies on so it was down to me to do the wet bits. I think Phil had his slippers on for all the good they were. When searching we found a couple of Dark Green Fritillary and a couple of teneral darter which had black costas and I think must have been Ruddy Darter. We were also being followed by the local Horseflies and a single twin lobed Deer Fly. Has time went on we felt we were in the wrong place and moved on to the next area and if by luck we spotted Alun Hughes walking towards us and on asking him any luck we heard the magic words yes. He had seen about 30 and fair play for Alun he took us to the spot and within minutes Phil had found two. Once you get your eye in they were easier to see and find. After saying our thanks to Alun we carried walking around the area but found very little else. We both thought the Marsh Helleborine was a smarter looking flower than the Fen Orchid and it was amazing how small they are and easily over looked. We also found two patches of this Smart Iris.

Has we walked up the path towards the Visitors Centre I spotted this Caterpillar and found out later its a Lacky Moth Caterpillar.


  1. Glad you got the Fen Orchids - they are a bit underwhelming!

  2. I love the photos of the caterpillar

  3. Yes could be standing next to them and not see them and cheers phil and alway pays to get down on your knees to take shot
