Sunday 3 November 2019

Is it a blizzard?

A nice day out with Phil and Martin Bevan. Not too early a start at Kenfig was rewarded with two Otters just outside the AM Hide. The female/juv Scaup remained with the Tufted flock, along with 12 Pochard which soon took off - presumably over to Nun' Eg'. Lots of Goldcrest around, especially by the south pool, but no sight or sound of the recent Yellow-browed Warb.

Just finishing our coffee and news came in of a Snow Bunting at Sker/Pink Bay. Since Martin had dipped the Blorenge bird last weekend, we headed off that direction. No sign of the bird on our arrival, but lots of golfers looking for birdies probably meant it was keeping a low profile. We wandered about a bit, picking up a nice group of Golden Plover on the rock. Back to the Snow Bunting, and there it out on the open on the neatly manicured tee.

Back up to the center car park, via Sker rocks and another failed attempt to re-locate the Yellow-browed'.

We then headed over to Portobello, where a couple of Common Sandpipers were the best of the pick. We then took a walk up Pant Norton, 3 Blackcaps and at least 7 Greenfinch were the highlights, with plenty of Redwing and Blackbirds flitting between the the bushes. The lack of Yellowhamers was a surprise.

My attempts at some photo's of the obliging Snow Bunting


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