Tuesday 12 February 2019

Raven Count

After last week's grand Raven count debacle (most of them roosted somewhere near the tip and flew back into the roost as the ones in the roost were flying out) this morning's attempt was far more successful, though with a bit of a messy end.
The strong overnight winds had abated, but even the fairly light breeze felt particularly penetrating after half an hour. The visibility was good and the wait for the Ravens to begin flying out enlivened by a bright, satellite flare and a close fly-by Woodcock.
The count went well and the total of 217, is the highest February count within the main, post foot and mouth period.


  1. It's incredible how the month total varies so much each year.

  2. Great work Mark and it must take some doing and Dedication for doing it for saw long.

  3. They tend to be a bit unpredictable in all months, but amongst the apparent chaos can be seen a definite trend downwards from 2001 to 2005 and then having missed a February count in 2006 (no idea why)the trend was upwards again in 2007 and 2008 From 2009 on, it becomes pretty up and down, but there seems to be a definite upward trend in the high counts.
    Hopefully, if I am able able to keep the counts going for the next five or more years, the trends might become even clearer.
