Monday 13 May 2019

All Dotted out

After visiting Cwm Cadlan five times over the last couple of weeks looking for Dotterel and not coming up with the goods each time, so Sunday I fancied a change and I gave Merthyr Common a try. The limestone pavement is a lot more extensive and ideal habitat. But still no Dotterel but big numbers of Skylark and Meadow Pipit and also double figures of Wheatear, it was just great to be out and I only saw three people in four hours.

When I got back to the car I thought what next and I thought sixth time lucky and I went back up Cwm Cadlan. It was really warm but bird wise it was really quiet. I saw a white thing bouncing up and down but on closer inspection it was a male Wheater displaying and I also found this tame female. In the heat of the day there was good numbers of Green Hairstreak and I found at least eight on the wing with a couple of males fighting but the real big surprise was a Male Emperor Moth .

 Still lots of Whites and Orange Tips about and any idea on the Caterpillar.

 Last week when I got back to the car I found this carcass of a bird, it was pretty large and headless and I thought have Phil or Amy been up here. I had a job to say what it was and thought later maybe a goose.


  1. You deserve a medal for persistence. Jealous of the Emperor Moth, still never seen one.

  2. It just being in the right place the time and I would have been happy if it stopped.
