Thursday, 17 April 2014


Another first for the year, for me, at Penderyn. A lovely male Pied Flycatcher singing and loitering around a nest box I put up for them a few years ago and used by them for at least a couple of seasons.
The owner of the private wood I have the nest boxes told me he heard his first Cuckoo on the 14th. I haven't heard one yet.


  1. Two White Throat at Tir founder fields this morning and no sign of the Sedge Warbler reported yesterday.Also of note a pair teal and a drake Goosander.I also so a splash and a feral stoke race pigeon land in the water and flapped about and than flew off.

  2. Hello!

    My name is Libby and I'm doing some work on Pied flycatchers in Penderyn. I wondered if I could chat to you about where you might have seen this male PF? If you could please drop me an email at:, that would be amazing!

