Sunday, 3 May 2015

Penderyn Mineral Line

 Lords and Ladys, great too see so much of it growing along the line.

 I found Water Aven growing along the ditch on the Mineral Line, I don't remember seeing it there before.

Bog Beacon as found by Mark and seems to be growing in a small area in a damp ditch.


  1. Nice photos Mart, worth getting down and dirty for.

  2. Very funny Mr Hill my trouser were soaking and thank god no one walked passed.

  3. I noticed that some of the Water Avens up there are of the intermediate hybrid (Geum x intermedium) between Water Avens and Herb Bennet. They have yellow or yellowish petals, instead of the normal pink. In fact, some of the flowers in your photos seem to show yellow petals.

  4. Cheers mark and nice to learn something new.

  5. Herb Bennet is more of a woodland species than Water Avens, but where the latter grows in or close to woodland with Herb Bennet, the hybrid isn't uncommon.
