Saturday 25 July 2015

Back to Bryn Du

I went  back to look for the elusive Pussy Moth Caterpillar at the wheel wash but still no joy. I did find this common Swift Moth resting on hogweed.
I also found these larve and think it could be more Kidney Spotted Ladybirds, in a different place this time and shows they must be doing well at this site  and the second one i been told could be Harlequin Ladybird.

I also found two Waxcaps which were great to see. I found this thistle a couple of weeks ago and kept forgetting to take a shot of it. Could this be the thistle disease but not on a creeping thistle this time and only one present like it.


  1. The white thistle disease is known to affect other species of thistle, but is most usually found on Creeping Thistle. This Spear Thistle looks as if it has the disease and so, a record aught to be kept of it. Can you find a map ref for it Martin?

  2. ok mark i will sort it out and thank you

  3. RIght on grab grid i got SN9907 one km square or SN994075 100m square and the area is hald way along the small blue site and on the left mark

  4. Okay, thanks for that Martin. I'll see if I can get up there to check whether it is the thistle disease or an albino shoot.
