Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Home And Away

Went back over to Robertstown on Sunday evening and found the Bee Beetles are still about, saw this one for a very short time before it flew off never to be seen again. I found this Ladybird Larvae on the Willow.

Right over the bridge and I went too a concert in Powderham Castle on Saturday, I saw two species of Dragonfliess in the concert, they were a Broad Bodied Chaser and a female Emperor Dragonfly, it was catching the flies above the crowds heads. Also just before the show started I spotted a swarm of Bees flying above the crowd luckily they went through very quickly. I don't think many people saw them. it reminded me of Goa and the boat trip and that swarm. At the Nature Reserve at Dawlish Warren there was lots of Marsh Helleborine in flower it was great too see this smart flower out. Also there was Evening Primrose everywhere looking great in the sunlight. I found my first Gate Keeper of the year and has it warmed up Butterflies were popping up everywhere. I saw lots of Small Copper on the reserve and there were a couple of Common Darter dragonflies out as well. I also went up on Red Rock For a look over the Sea and found Round Leaved Navelwort growing on the side of the path going up, found loads more later at the campsite at Lady's Mile and just as we about to leave we had a quick walk on the beach and found a dead Barrel Jellyfish, lots of cuttlefish, collected some and put them it in my rucksack and forgot about it and now my rucksack is smelling like Phil's feet in Spain and thats pretty bad.


  1. I can only say one thing about my feet and Spain. Pot calling the Kettle Black.

  2. The concert must have been really riveting!

  3. It was a great day and 80 groups and good day out

  4. More Bee Beetles! - I recon it's a plastic one that you take out, photograph, and put it away again.
