Friday 25 September 2015

Rhaslas landfill

Not much on the pool so wandered over to the dump/old railway, only goldfinch and an interesting wheatear, not as interesting as my buzzard but almost. I only had 30 minutes before I was wanted somewhere else and couldn't get an under wing shot/view. It appears to possess most of the credentials necessary for an Issy, but after September BB I'm not 100%. I have to go back to work so wont be able to check it or other images until about 21:00 hours tonight or tomorrow a.m.


  1. Wow, the top photo looks very Izzy like, but think its a "Greenland"

  2. Unreformed 'Dude' that I am, I would look at it, think "Wheatear" and not investigate, nor want to investigate further. I admire and envy your enquiring mind, Mike.
