Sunday, 27 September 2015

Sunday in the Sun

Phil almost stepped on this Field Mouse up on Cwm Cadlan, there were two present and were very close to going up Phil's trouser leg.

If I ever wished I had a better lens it was now, these two Kites put on a brilliant show and we watched them for about 10 minutes  .
Phil said this reminds him of a fellow Valley birder and I could not put a finger on which one .
I went up behind Sierra Pines too look for some Fly Agaric which I found last year but they were broken and all over the floor. There was a real big one which I think would have been the biggest I have seen. Also there was patch which looked like spiders and on looking closer found these to be Earth Tongue Fungus.  I put it on Facebook and they said it's Green Earth Tongue, a new one for me and one I have never heard of it .


  1. The mouse photos came out great. You are also telling little porkies, for once I did not mention anything about another member of this blog.

  2. Thank you phil and i just noticed i did not post the dragonfly and i have lost it now and it was a Common Hawker .

  3. it looks like you have a Jellybaby fungi Leotia lubrica amoungst the Green Earth Tongue.

  4. Your right guys that picture is the spitting image of Mike!
