Monday 19 March 2018

Deer meeeeeeee

A few photos from our last trip to Dorset. This Little Egret was at Stanpit Marshes, it was so close has we watched it when having our coffee break always a pleasure to see and watch, it's funny to think I twitched one in the eighties in Norfolk.
We visted  the RSPB reserve at Arne, a place I have only been once and the place I saw my first Dartford Warbler but had no chance there now as it was very windy and we did not even hear one which seemed strange in it's self. But making the most of it as we always do and we found some cracking Sika Deer which gave us fantastic views and it amazing how much they varied some looked really black. This was surprising has it was very busy with visitors.

Last thing it's been years since I saw Wood Ants last. I had forgotten how big they were and Mike would have been in his oils with these in is pants.

With it being so cold at the moment I thought I would finish with a bit if warmth but it was actually freezing then has we waited in vain for the Short Eared Owl to show at Aust wharf.


  1. Poor Mike he will never live that down. Amongst other things.

  2. In all fairness to Mike i had one ant on my neck and it felt like it had me in a death grip and he had them in is shorts .

  3. Never mind Mike it's the ants i feel sorry for.
