Sunday 21 April 2019

Quick walk with Martin Bell this morning to CCG to look for Ring Ouzels. We didn't connect with them which is not a total surprise but more worrying was how quiet the quarry was in general and especially when you consider we did not get any Raven or Peregrine sightings.

At another site we had more luck with 5 Pied Flycatchers and 2 Marsh Tits also hearing a Cuckoo.

Garwnant and Cwm Cadlan on the way back produced nothing of note.


  1. And I cannot believe Mr Bevan has got Ring Ouzel before me, what is the world coming to.

  2. You should have been with us, Phil.

  3. Any Whhhiiinnnchats Phil? 😂

  4. Don't report them Rob. Because I cannot spell their name !!!!
