Sunday 7 April 2019

RNs and RZs

It was a chilly old Raven count, this morning and a bit disappointing; with the second lowest ever April count. March and April are usually months with low counts, as the breeding pairs have all left the roost, but even so, a count of 54 was a bit low.
Low though it was, could it be part of a pattern? The chart below seems to show a series of fluctuations in the April, non breeders.

As the count was fizzling out, I heard a Ring Ouzel making its 'Chack-Chack' call and saw two of them fly out from gorse to far away, then head up the hill and over the brow.
A few minutes later, as I packed my stuff up and headed up the track, back to the car, I heard one again and saw it settle on top of a stunted pine, on the brow of the hill, then shortly afterwards appear on a Rowan about ten metres away from me, where it called several times, before flying down into some dense gorse. I didn't see or hear anything more from it after that.
Given its close proximity to me, I had really crap, into the sunrise silhouette views of it, but got the impression that the it was a female. 

1 comment:

  1. Great work as usual Mark. It was a rather cold wind yesterday morning
