Saturday 20 April 2019

Spring has finally arrived.

Having not been able to get out much in the last few weeks due to a combination of ill health and weather it felt good to get some exercise and some much needed sunshine during the last few days.

Year ticks observed were Willow Warbler, House Martin and this morning a lovely cooperative Grasshopper Warbler at Llanwonno. On Wednesday a lone Tufted Duck on Abercwmboi lake was a surprise.

Butterflies have been plentiful, year ticks were Brimstone (at last), Green Veined White and last Saturday Orange Tip. Lots of Peacocks around with smaller numbers of Speckled Wood, Small White and Small Tortoiseshell.


  1. Didn't know you were poorly, Phil. I hope you are feeling a lot better now.

  2. Cheers Mark, found out I got arthritis in my right knee so been limping quite a bit.
